
Bug in claimWearableTickets Function

Closed this issue · 1 comments

@ItsNickBarry found a bug in the claimWearableTickets function in StakingFacet.sol.

Here's the code that contains the bug:

   function claimWearableTickets(uint256[] calldata _ids) external {
        uint256[] memory values = new uint256[](_ids.length);
        uint256 frensBal = s.accounts[msg.sender].frens;
        for (uint256 i; i < _ids.length; i++) {
            uint256 id = _ids[i];
            require(id < 6, "Staking: Wearable Ticket not found");
            uint256 cost = wearableTicketCost(id);
            values[i] = cost;
            require(frensBal >= cost, "Staking: Not enough frens points");
            frensBal -= cost;
            s.wearableTickets[id].accountBalances[msg.sender] += 1;
            s.wearableTickets[id].totalSupply += 1;

The offending line is values[i] = cost; which should be values[i] = 1;.

This bug resulted in the emit TransferBatch(address(this), address(0), msg.sender, _ids, values); event emitting the wrong values argument. The bug could also potentially send the wrong value to other smart contracts.

This bug does not result in loss of funds or a frozen contract.

@ItsNickBarry is awarded 1,000 Dai for finding and reporting this bug.

The code for the claimWearableTickets function has been updated to fix the issue.

This is fixed now, correct? If so can close the issue