
How to call a country using ee.Geometry.Polygon?

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Hi Aaron, I am wondering how to call a country using ee.Geometry.Polygon in wxee or is there any other way? Since Google Fusion Tables is not supported any more on Earth Engine, is there a way out to call a country polygon?

Thank you.

Hi, you can use the osm_to_ee() function from the geemap package to get data (such as a country polygon) from OpenStreetMap and convert it to an ee.FeatureCollection object. For example: geemap.osm_to_ee('Brasil').

Good idea @ErikSeras!

Another option is to use the country datasets built into Earth Engine like FAO GAUL. One of the examples in the wxee docs shows how you can load that FeatureCollection, select a single country, and use that as the region for converting a TimeSeries to xarray.

Something like

countries = ee.FeatureCollection("FAO/GAUL_SIMPLIFIED_500m/2015/level0")
madagascar = countries.filterMetadata("ADM0_NAME", "equals", "Madagascar")
region = madagascar.geometry().bounds()

Hi @ErikSeras and @aazuspan,
Thank you so much for the prompt reply. I tried both and they worked successfully. In addition to geemap, one would still need to install pandas and osmnx libraries to run the first alternative. Sorry that I did not happen to go through the whole document because of which I missed the second alternative.

No problem, glad you got it working @surajitdb :)