
URL minified

samuel-clara opened this issue · 5 comments

Since the last version the plugin minifies the url in css in the wrong way: for example url('../images/file.svg') is minified as url(images/file.svg). Same happens with url("../images/file.svg") and url(../images/file.svg).

@samuel91 CSS minification with brackets-minifier is handled through clean-css. In regards to the issue you are having, I'd recommend you open an issue on their repo as they will be able to better address your problem.

If this is indeed a bug in their package, let me know and I'll make sure to update brackets-minifier to use the latest clean-css once they have fixed the problem on their end.

In the mean time, there may be a way for you to disable URL minification (or something of the sort) through the clean-css options that you can set in the Minifier Preferences panel.

I have also just experienced this which left me scratching my head as to why none of my images loaded through CSS were appearing.

@samuel91 did you manage to find a solution that worked for you in the end that you could share?

As it stands this bug makes the plugin kind of unusable. Not been able to find anything on the clean css pages. Did anyone find a fix for this?

further to my last post, its suddenly working. Haven't changed anything my end, did something change else where?

I'm also experiencing the same exact issue on Brackets for mac 1.12 and latest brackets-minifier.
../ is gone when minified. Odd thing is a CSS file minified at the end of April works fine, now it doesn'work and I don't remember to have updated or changed anything in between.