zlib-sync install: ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'distutils'
Closed this issue · 2 comments
Shivam0887 commented
I was trying to deploy my Next.js 14 project on Vercel. However, I got this error "zlib-sync install: ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'distutils'".
Official Python Docs states that: distutils is deprecated with removal planned for Python 3.12. In particular, setuptools is an enhanced alternative to distutils.
Please resolve the issue as soon as possible.
SuperchupuDev commented
had this issue too, it's because the node-gyp version used is the one that comes with pnpm. updating to pnpm v9 solved it for me
3megabytesofhotram commented
Updating pnpm to 9 also fixed it for me