
Merge back to active upstream

rzr opened this issue · 6 comments

rzr commented

Relate-to: noble#656

This active is blocked by those pending issues/reviews:


Hi, could you please also fork "bleno" (https://github.com/noble/bleno) which is part of the "noble" family and depends from "node-bluetooth-hci-socket".

You forked noble, and thanks for that. I'm talking about "bleno". "noble" implements the BLE Central Mode, whereas "bleno" implements BLE Peripherals. They complement each other.

rzr commented

sorry ;)
It's there
Feel free to make PR, but make sure that changes are forwarded upstream first and well tracked
(mimic my changes) or read those hints:

rzr commented

A new version has been released with related patches..

Relate-to: https://www.npmjs.com/package/@abandonware/noble/v/1.9.2-2

@petersaints , Bleno co-maintainers are still welcome check:

rzr commented

Relate-to: noble#886