Could not kill wpa_supplicant process
squareboxjp opened this issue · 0 comments
squareboxjp commented
I started wpa_supplicant with wpa_supplicant.enable method. And then, I tried to stop that with wpa_supplicant.disable but it failed. The error message had shown as follows.
[Error: Command failed: /bin/sh -c kill pgrep -f "wpa_supplicant .* -i wlan0"
|| true]
I think this error is caused by a change in "commit cc99531".
The process started by wpa_supplicant.enable is below,
"wpa_supplicant -i wlan0 -B -D wext -c wlan0-wpa_supplicant.conf"
I think pgrep called by wpa_supplicant.disable methid can not find this process.