
[feature]implement telegram for python version

geeks121 opened this issue · 0 comments

hi thank you for the bot,, can you implement this code to the python version... this code work for pancakeswap sniper ,, and listening to the telegram channel ,, but i think this also work with kucoin ,,

from telethon import TelegramClient, sync, events
async def message_handler(message, containing_fields=None):
    if containing_fields is None:
        containing_fields = ['The coin is']
    if not (containing_fields[0] in message.lower()):
    symbol = re.search('\(([^)]+)', message).group(1) # need to change this to work with capslock coin
    response = await buy_token(symbol)

    if (str(type(response)) == "<class 'ValueError'>"):
        response = ast.literal_eval(str(response))
        response = '**Error Code**: {}\n**Error Message**: {}'.format(response['code'], response['message'])
        response = '**Transaction Hash**:\n```{}```'.format(str(response))
    await send(response)

async def send(msg):
    await client.send_message(to, msg)

usr_config = json.load(open('/config.json'))
to = usr_config['update_to']

scheduler = BackgroundScheduler()
client = TelegramClient('session_name', usr_config['api_id'], usr_config['api_hash'])

@client.on(events.NewMessage(chats=usr_config['channel'])) # channel is in config json
async def message_listenner(event): await message_handler(event.message.message)

with client:

here is the config.json

    "api_id": 78
    "api_hash": "#",

    "channel": "kucoin_pump",
    "update_to": "me",