
Content not available on select tracks with adblock on

skinatro opened this issue · 6 comments

Hello I am running Nobara 37 (fedora 37 fork) with spotify flatpak version and spicetify installed

Some of the songs are greyed out and shows content not available when using adblock but those songs play like they should without adblock.

same in arch linux, currently using aur version

abba23 commented

I haven't noticed anything like that myself, but it sounds like some connections are being blocked that shouldn't be. What's the terminal output, specifically when opening an album/playlist with an unplayable song and trying to play one?

Edit: Examples of specific songs would be useful as well in order to reproduce this.

there's no update in terminal when trying to play one of these songs

There is no song in particular, I had problems with the song Japanese Posters - Rebounder but it seems to be working now.

Songs randomly stop working and then randomly start playing as well.

I will try to take logs next time this happens

just found out there is something related to arch-based distros. these specific songs don't play on browser either

please @skinatro check if qt4-bin package solves the issue. for some people this seems to work.

EDIT: my problem was with explicit content being disabled. this was pathetic

@liukliukliuk mine arent explicit just random, why do you think qt4-bin would solve it?

also its really weird , the songs are disabled then they work after a restart?
since it is erratic and weird , i will close the issue for now