Wpf Hexeditor is a powerful and fully customisable user control for editing file or stream as hexadecimal, decimal and binary. Can be used in Wpf or WinForm application
- abbayeSaguenay, Québec
- Bia10
- bibaushi
- Crypt32PKI Solutions LLC
- Degoemmer
- dhandley
- elecfunwb
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- JanusTida
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- justinhachemeisterWindsor, Colorado
- maplewei
- mcDandy
- OneB1t@simplewayglobal
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- PWagner1East Sussex, UK
- redd1ng
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- scx1125
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- Stan1989
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- turik441Home
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- ulissesemuman
- vector-manYottaNext LLC
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- wt3333United States of America
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- yoyodyShinva
- ZhangYueqiu