
This represents a complement or something as a salt to run your upgraded VBasic source code through, it uses regex matching and it performs nearly as requirable to spare much manual interfering . to mention also that it works page by page and it needs jscript macro explorer.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Were you ever tired to modify a badly and awkwardly converted Vbasic source line per line ? There for the use of regex functionality combined with js macro, automation is your best choice to leap your outdated basic program into newer generation within a short time. So, I wrote this in addition of more regex patterns for a personal use to convert the dbase-access connection protocole into SQL client/server protocole, this wouldnt have had any use without integrating a friendly class of SQL commands with it, so i didnt see any purpose to write them here.

The 4th macro set is used for crystalreport extensions, i stopped developing more regexes because i switched to TX text word control, also the use of second regex set must be behind caution, this can alter some unwanted parts.

This work is 15 days long, aimed to automate 2 months long manual adjustments through couple of days, a risky engagement that gave its fruits, thanks god, and thank you to not forget typing 2 tireless words for sake of credits.