
libwb json issue

jbungo opened this issue · 0 comments

From: Joe Bungo
Sent: Tuesday, October 18, 2016 1:41 PM
To: 'G. Jan Wilms'
Subject: RE: GPU Teaching Kit QwikLAB Access

Hi Jan,

Can you try upgrading to the latest version of CUDA? This has solved a lot of compatibility issues so far.

Joe Bungo
GPU Educators Program Manager
NVIDIA Corporation | Academic Programs
Office: +1 (512) 401-4505
Mobile: +1 (512) 293-7324

From: G. Jan Wilms [mailto:jwilms@uu.edu]
Sent: Tuesday, October 11, 2016 8:17 PM
To: Joe Bungo
Subject: Re: GPU Teaching Kit QwikLAB Access

I have found the support libraries (libwb) to be very finicky, particularly the 3rd party hpp code in the vendor folder. On machines with identical setup (VStudio 2013 Update 5, CudaToolkit 7.5) the wbTime_stop() function works fine on some machines and crashes on others. The following code is the culprit:
json11::Json json = json11::Json::object{
{"type", "timer"},
{"id", wbTimerNode_getId(node)},
{"session_id", wbTimerNode_getSessionId(node)},
{"data", wbTimerNode_toJSONObject(node)}};
std::cout << json.dump() << std::endl;

The assignment of “timer” to type in the json struct is invalid (in some machines) and causes the crash:

json issue

I have been able to work around it by commenting out the wbStop function call (or the assignment to type), but it is still puzzling.
