Can't get plugin to work
reDpz opened this issue · 7 comments
I'm using nvchad with this in my plugins.lua
lazy = false,
config = function()
require('tabout').setup {
tabkey = '<Tab>', -- key to trigger tabout, set to an empty string to disable
backwards_tabkey = '<S-Tab>', -- key to trigger backwards tabout, set to an empty string to disable
act_as_tab = true, -- shift content if tab out is not possible
act_as_shift_tab = false, -- reverse shift content if tab out is not possible (if your keyboard/terminal supports <S-Tab>)
default_tab = '<C-t>', -- shift default action (only at the beginning of a line, otherwise <TAB> is used)
default_shift_tab = '<C-d>', -- reverse shift default action,
enable_backwards = true, -- well ...
completion = true, -- if the tabkey is used in a completion pum
tabouts = {
{open = "'", close = "'"},
{open = '"', close = '"'},
{open = '`', close = '`'},
{open = '(', close = ')'},
{open = '[', close = ']'},
{open = '{', close = '}'}
ignore_beginning = true, --[[ if the cursor is at the beginning of a filled element it will rather tab out than shift the content ]]
exclude = {} -- tabout will ignore these filetypes
wants = {'nvim-treesitter'}, -- or require if not used so far
after = {'nvim-cmp'} -- if a completion plugin is using tabs load it before
Lazy installs the plugin after neovim is started and then afterwards I can press ctrl + t to indent the entire line one row but I can't seem to be able to use tab to get out of quotes as that just seems to add a tab spacing.
If you are using lazy.nvim, the plugin spec doesn't support after
and wants
You can use the key dependencies
In my config this works:
dependencies = {
Then autofill/suggestions come up when tab is pressed now
I am not using lazy, so no idea how it works.
You need to make sure that nvim-treesitter
and your autofill plugin are loaded before tabout.
Sounds like your suggestions plugin loads after and overwrites the tab
Fair, I switched to astro so I'll go ahead and create a thread on their discord to try fix it and close this thread
Fair, I switched to astro so I'll go ahead and create a thread on their discord to try fix it and close this thread
any luck on fix that?
I've made a thread on their discord but I've gotten no answers any help is appreciated
got it to work by building a neovim config from scratch