How to prevent keybind from being overwritten?
reDpz opened this issue · 1 comments
reDpz commented
Usually the plugin works just fine however when used in conjunction with some other plugins (e.g. vimwiki) it overwrites the tab key and the plugin won't work so long as I'm inside a vimwiki.
I'm using lazy and this is my plugin file
lazy = false,
config = function()
require('tabout').setup {
tabkey = '<Tab>', -- key to trigger tabout, set to an empty string to disable
backwards_tabkey = '<S-Tab>', -- key to trigger backwards tabout, set to an empty string to disable
act_as_tab = true, -- shift content if tab out is not possible
act_as_shift_tab = false, -- reverse shift content if tab out is not possible (if your keyboard/terminal supports <S-Tab>)
default_tab = '<C-t>', -- shift default action (only at the beginning of a line, otherwise <TAB> is used)
default_shift_tab = '<C-d>', -- reverse shift default action,
enable_backwards = true, -- well ...
completion = true, -- if the tabkey is used in a completion pum
tabouts = {
{open = "'", close = "'"},
{open = '"', close = '"'},
{open = '`', close = '`'},
{open = '(', close = ')'},
{open = '[', close = ']'},
{open = '{', close = '}'}
ignore_beginning = true, --[[ if the cursor is at the beginning of a filled element it will rather tab out than shift the content ]]
exclude = {} -- tabout will ignore these filetypes
dependencies = {'nvim-treesitter', 'L3MON4D3/LuaSnip'}, -- or require if not used so far
priority = 1000,