
Primary LanguageShell



  1. (Optional) Backup your existing .tmux.conf, .vimrc and .zshrc in your home directory
  2. Change your shell to zsh chsh -s /bin/zsh. (Optional) Reload your terminal
  3. Clone and cd to this repo. Run ./install.sh
  4. Install homebrew
  5. brew install tmux
  6. Set up vim-plug
  7. In vim
    • Run :PlugInstall
    • Run :GoInstallBinaries to install vim-go's binaries


The default vim installed does not have clipboard feature installed. If you have brew, brew install vim --without-perl --without-ruby, copy with "*yy

Alternatively, here are some options,

  • Select text with shift-v and Enter then, :w !pbcopy
  • Use vim's selection. For example, :.w !pbcopy or :,+1w !pbcopy

Git configurations

In .gitconfig

	excludesfile = ~/.gitignore-global
	email = <email>
	name = <name>
[includeIf "gitdir:~/github/"]
	path = .gitconfig-personal

In .gitignore-global


In .gitconfig-personal

	email = <email>
	name = <name>