
classyfireR and Classyfire webpage do not produce same results

DanielQuiroz97 opened this issue · 0 comments

I was using the classyfire webpage and it classified all entries, while the classsyfireR package only got classification for 12 out of 75 entries.

while using the website, there were not invalid entities

Screenshot 2023-08-27 at 7 36 26 PM

Using the R package, only 12 entities were classified

Screenshot 2023-08-27 at 7 36 08 PM

R code used is:


smiles <- read.csv("inst/extdata/batch_msp_metadata.csv") %>%
  filter(!(SMILES %in% ""))

smiles_vector <-  smiles$SMILES
names(smiles_vector) <- smiles$Name

query <- submit_query(label = "PhenolicsDB",
                       input = smiles_vector,
                       type = "STRUCTURE")

query_wide <- query %>% classification() %>%
  pivot_wider(names_from = Level, values_from = Classification)
