
Can't run the provided llama2 example

KerolosAtef opened this issue · 6 comments

I got this error message while trying to run the prompt in the README file
File "python3.9/site-packages/transformers/models/llama/modeling_llama.py", line 402, in forward
kv_seq_len += past_key_value.get_usable_length(kv_seq_len, self.layer_idx)
AttributeError: 'list' object has no attribute 'get_usable_length'

Hi there-- what version of transformers are you running? This looks like an error inside the transformers library. Are you able to run llama without unlimiformer?

transformer version is 4.36.0 and also this happenes with the latest version 4.36.2.
yes, it runs normally without unlimiformer

downgrading to 4.27.0 should (likely) fix this for now; I'll look into the issue with the newer version

Thanks, it works with version 4.28.0

Hi, is it possible to have a quick fix of this issue in the new version? Seems like downgrade transformers to a version before 4.35.0 has several rust compiler error. It's probably more convenient to use to most recent one. Thank you.