
Figure out a way to resolve which component/module is selected when they stack

Closed this issue · 1 comments

Right now there's a policy of picking traces, then parts. But if parts stack on top of each other, I'm not sure there's a consistent resolution, so it just takes the first. This gets particularly bad when there is a large part encompassing multiple small parts so the large part might get selected even though the smaller part gets picked. KiCAD (and others?) resolve this by jamming a pop-up in your face and forcing you to resolve the ambiguity. I think this is a pretty poor solution and it would be nice to at least give a better default behavior.

Here a few options which might help alleviate the situation:

  • Pick smallest part first (in terms of bounding box)
  • Create a popup to resolve the ambiguity
  • Allow for some 'hot key' to select which one

I think a reasonable default behavior is to pick, in order of preference

  • the part that has it's pin/pad under the mouse
  • the part that's the smallest (in area)

This still leads to some weird situations but that will probably clear up most of the outstanding issues.


ok, so a pretty minor change. Prefer tracks (still) but just pick component that is smallest after that. See 1d19a3c