
Enhancement suggestion -- allow getting document width/height in non-pixel units

Closed this issue · 2 comments

It would be tremendously handy in my use to be able to fetch the size of a vpype.document object in a defined unit, like:

doc.get_width('in') -> float (document width in inches)

abey79 commented

There isn't any explicit API for that, but you may use vpype.Document.page_size and vpype.UNITS to the same effect. Both are public API so it shouldn't break in the future.

import vpype

# a document with some page size
doc = vpype.Document()
doc.page_size = (100, 200)

# document width in inches
print(doc.page_size[0] / vpype.UNITS['in'])
# -> 1.0416666666666667

Edit: to be clear, I'd certainly consider a PR with a proper API for that ;)

Good enough for me, thanks.