
vsketch not running on Google Colab

Closed this issue · 3 comments

The given example shows this error when trying to install the lib:
ERROR: Package 'vsketch' requires a different Python: 3.7.13 not in '<3.11,>=3.8'


Running on colab is no longer supported (the doc still needs to be updated to reflect this). It may work, but will likely require additional setup. In any case, vsketch and vpype now require Python 3.8 or later.

Running on colab is no longer supported (the doc still needs to be updated to reflect this). It may work, but will likely require additional setup. In any case, vsketch and vpype now require Python 3.8 or later.

But not 3.10... So 3,8 or 3.9

@rcsmit Both vsketch and vpype (as of 1.10) support 3.10 now.

Edit: vsketch's documentation is not to be trusted in its current state – an update is much overdue.