
Compiler for making flipbook written in python

Primary LanguagePython


Compiler for building flipbook, written in python.

Note: This repo contains my attempt to build a compiler using python, for a language called flip used to create flipbooks (see below for language description). Currently only lexer, parser and AST are implemented. The code generator is yet to be implemented using llvmlite (LLVM-Python binding), yet the code is usable to create a flipbook.

npm packages


Sample flip language

print ( total (10) position(0,0) scale (5,1,10) move (10,5,1,10) image1.png dimensions (50,50) )
print ( total (10) position(0,0) scale (5,1,10) move (10,5,1,10) images.jpeg dimensions (50,50) )


total(x) = total number of pages which contains image
position(x,y) = initial position coordinates of image from top-left
scale(num,i,j) = increase the dimensions(height, width) of image by num user units, for every page in range(i,j)
move(x,y,i,j) = move the image by x user units on x-axis, y user units on y-axis on every page in range(i,j)
imagefile = lexer supports jpg|png|gif|bmp|jpeg image formats
dimensions(h,w)= initial dimensions of image in user units

Sample run

  • Define your input in input.flip file, written in flip language.
  • Run main.py
