
About scSE block using in this model

DpDark opened this issue · 1 comments

In paper "Recalibrating Fully Convolutional Networks withSpatial and Channel ‘Squeeze & Excitation’ Blocks", we can find that using scSE block can get better performance ,but this paper didn't do experiments about it, has anyone tried this?

Why does the author only use sSE instead of scSE? Is it because scSE has too many parameters?

In paper "Recalibrating Fully Convolutional Networks withSpatial and Channel ‘Squeeze & Excitation’ Blocks", we can find that using scSE block can get better performance ,but this paper didn't do experiments about it, has anyone tried this?

Why does the author only use sSE instead of scSE? Is it because scSE has too many parameters?

have you got the dataset? i want to try this code .but i cann't find that dataset anywhere.can you send me that if you got one?