
[Question]: OPen multiple Same Camera, ValueError: Invalid source with no decodable audio or video stream provided. Aborting!

Closed this issue · 1 comments

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Describe your Question

OPen multiple Same Camera, ValueError: Invalid source with no decodable audio or video stream provided. Aborting!

Terminal log output(Optional)

ValueError: Invalid source with no decodable audio or video stream provided. Aborting!

Python Code(Optional)

decoder = FFdecoder("0", frame_format="bgr24",custom_ffmpeg="./ffmpeg/bin", verbose=True,**ffparams).formulate()
decoder = FFdecoder("1", frame_format="bgr24",custom_ffmpeg="./ffmpeg/bin", verbose=True,**ffparams).formulate()
decoder = FFdecoder("3", frame_format="bgr24",custom_ffmpeg="./ffmpeg/bin", verbose=True,**ffparams).formulate()

DeFFcode Version


Python version


Operating System version


Any other Relevant Information?

No response

ValueError: Invalid source with no decodable audio or video stream provided. Aborting!

@GavinJIAW This error means that one of the source value is invalid, meaning there's no device at "0" or "1" or "3" index, check logs to get more insight. And it is perfectly fine to open multiple cameras, as long as your system allows it.