
boostrap.js dependency ?

Closed this issue · 3 comments


I'm trying to integrate your module in my app but I get an error :
TypeError: undefined is not a function
at Object._generatePopover (

On your demo I saw that you're loading bootstrap.js (I don't), but this should not be needed because in parallel you're loading angular-bootstrap module (ui-bootstrap-tpls.js) that already handle himself (the angular-way) all the JS needed to run bootstrap JS components.

Or am I missing something ?

By the way, thanks for this module that seems great ;)


I have the exact same problem and I don't have bootstrap in my project. We use foundation. Is bootstrap mandatory or is this a bug ?


Yes Bootstrap is mandatory . It uses bootstrap popovers .


So why are you loading angular-bootstrap (ui-bootstrap-tpls.js) in your demos ?
Angular-bootstrap includes popovers already (but angularjsfied)