
Season data for animelist not available

Closed this issue · 1 comments

Hi, Season name and year seems to have no data. This can be generated from the start_date field, I assume. Sorry if it's already known or reported. I've just started using this all.

from jikanpy import jikan
jikan = jikan.Jikan()
watching = jikan.user(username='skr47ch', request='animelist', argument='watching')['anime']
for anime in watching:
, anime['title']
, anime['season_name']
, anime['season_year']

oops. Appears this is not an issue. Checked at jikan apiary and it returns the same.
Season data is coming for the certain users. I assume it has to do with what columns are available in one's list page. I've added the required columns and hopefully it'll reflect that.