Hey, I'm Abhishek Bharti

Full Stack Software Engineer | Artist | Tech Enthusiast

imabhishekbharti akash_chowrasia

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🔭 I’m currently working on ReactJS / NextJS / NodeJS / NestJS / TypeScript / GraphQL
🌱 I’m currently learning Software Architecture / System Design
👯 I’m looking to collaborate on Startups / Freelance / WEB 3.0 Projects
🤔 I’m looking for help with WEB 3.0, NFTs, Dapps, DeFi and Metaverse
💬 Ask me about anything, I am happy to help
📫 How to reach me: imabhishekbharti12@gmail.com / abhishekbharti.com



😄 Pronouns: ***He/His*** 😉

 ***Languages & Tools I Know...***

JavaScript TypeScript React.js Nextjs Redux node.js MongoDB babel figma firebase
HTML5 CSS3 Bootstrap Tailwind CSS Git GitLab Express flutter git graphql

