
Text Generation Feature Need to be Added

asifehmad opened this issue · 4 comments

Hi, Abhi!
Thanks for the great work. Could you please add a text generation feature as well? This will help lots of researchers and AI aspirants.


could you please elaborate a bit? there is clip interrogator in utilities for generation of prompts from images if that's what you mean.

thanks for the response, what I meant was text-2-text generation option should also be here. Models like, EleutherAI/gpt-neo-1.3B should be loaded and text generation should be performed.


hmmm....it seems a bit out of scope when it comes to this particular library, i.e. the focus on text to image generation. wdyt?

Ya, that's. Your UI looks cool that's why I thought it would be perfect if this category was also added there. Every category will be then in a single place and just one click away. It looks now boring to go to each HF repo/space and test these out:)