Tez is a super-simple and lightweight Trainer for PyTorch. It also comes with many utils that you can use to tackle over 90% of deep learning projects in PyTorch.
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Saving after training an epoch
#45 opened by 25icecreamflavors - 1
NOTE: This is old Model class and is deprecated. It will no longer be maintained! Please use version > 0.5.1. Its much better and supports multi-gpu training too!
#51 opened by jeremyhermann - 0
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run example code error
#48 opened by bestpredicts - 3
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Saving validation score
#46 opened by 25icecreamflavors - 0
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🔥 Require Tez + Apple M1 GPU Support
#39 opened by sounishnath003 - 5
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Is it possible to set variable Lr per epoch
#33 opened by gauravbrills - 1
Error in Multiclass TypeError: dropout(): argument 'input' (position 1) must be Tensor, not str
#25 opened by gokulguptanew - 1
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how can i use multi gpus for training?
#34 opened by JY00002 - 9
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how to use multi gpu
#12 opened by zhangatao - 0
I want this recommender training model please.
#35 opened by Mankus10 - 1
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Can I set the device id of GPUs?
#32 opened by Caizifen - 0
logging in text file
#31 opened by Akshaysharma29 - 2
Applying metrics after the epoch
#30 opened by waldcarl - 0
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Add citation link.
#28 opened by sujithgunturu - 2
Issue while using Auc metric on imbalanced dataset like melanoma(ValueError: Only one class present in y_true. ROC AUC score is not defined in that case)
#27 opened by IamSantoshKumar - 7
Can it work without CUDA
#26 opened by hemanthh17 - 10
ValueError: operands could not be broadcast together with shapes (256,256,4) (3,) (256,256,4)
#8 opened by nvnvashisth - 1
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Not able to converge in local laptop.
#9 opened by nvnvashisth - 5
Atrribute Error while importing tez
#21 opened by AnuraagBeniwal2610 - 0
Explain Tez model using SHAP
#22 opened by jaytimbadia - 0
Suggestion: Object detection example
#20 opened by p-s-vishnu - 1
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Metrics update
#19 opened by ShkarupaDC - 1
Load models
#16 opened by chammami - 1
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Saving oofs file when fitting
#5 opened by mrinath123 - 1
#4 opened by arjunsigdel94 - 1
Small error in image_classification.py
#7 opened by VpkPrasanna - 1
Small error in model.py
#6 opened by hocop