Chat Interaction with Amazon Lex

This project integrates an Amazon Lex bot into a Laravel application using Filament for the frontend. Users can interact with the Lex bot via predefined intents, and their interactions are logged and displayed on a chat page.After the conversation ends the emotional index will be fetched from the Gemini API


  • Users are presented with two random intents from a predefined set.
  • Conversations with the bot flow from one intent to the next.
  • Once the chat ended the emotional index will be fetched and displayed on chat page


  • PHP 8.2+
  • Composer
  • Laravel 10+
  • AWS Account with Lex bot set up
  • Filament Admin Panel


  1. Clone the repository:

    git clone <repository-url>
    cd <repository-folder>
  2. Install dependencies:

    composer install
    npm install && npm run dev
  3. Set up environment variables:

    Create a .env file from the example:

    cp .env.example .env

    Update the .env file with your database and AWS and Gemini credentials:

  4. Run migrations:

    php artisan migrate
  5. Run the application:

    php artisan serve


  1. Access the chat page:

    Navigate to http://localhost:8000/chat-page to start interacting with the Lex bot.

  2. Submit a message:

    The page will start the chat with a random intent.. Once the conversation for the current intent ends, another random intent will be presented.

Project Structure

  • app/Filament/Pages/ChatPage.php: The main Filament page class that handles the chat logic.
  • app/Services/LexService.php: A service class for interacting with the Amazon Lex bot.
  • app/Services/GeminiService.php: A service class for interacting with Gemini AI for emotional index of the user.
  • resources/views/filament/pages/chat-page.blade.php: The Blade view for the chat page.
  • app/Models/ChatInteraction.php: Eloquent model for saving chat interactions.