
Version 1

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  • Remove the need for client side functionality
    • Reports the IP address of the public host via etcdctl so we don’t need a client updater functionality.
      • /sarpa/discovery.forestly.org/main/machine_id -v ip:port
      • /sarpa/discovery.forestly.org/treely/machine_id -v ip:port
    • App should be decoupled from the deployment.
      • Get an updated list from etcd and pushes it to S3. A JSON file.
        • Service { Machines []string }
      • { “treely”: [“ip:port”] }
      • Push the code up to S3.
      • b := s.s3.Bucket("bucket")
      • err := b.Put("name", []byte("content"), "content-type", s3.Private, s3.Options{})
  • The JavaScript side gets the requests from a S3 bucket and updates to use the appropriate code.