
Primary font with math support

Opened this issue · 1 comments

Right now our primary font doesn't show math symbols on all platforms. E.g. on my kobo things like g∘f don't render properly...the ∘ doesn't come through.

So one approach is to embed a font which properly renders all of that. If we can find such a font, and if it does fix the rendering issue, then this is the simple approach.

Another approach might be to wrap all such text in pre-formatted indicators so that the "code" font is used. I'd need to test out this approach to see if it actually works. If it does, this is a much bigger task because we need to fix every place in the book that needs the font.

On first attempt, just putting g∘f into inline code delimiters (i.e. g∘f) doesn't work. The ∘ still doesn't display on my kobo.