
ace-link-gnus; possible error in emacs 27

Opened this issue · 6 comments

i use ace-link-gnus for a while inside emacs 27 and it works.
But until last week it doesn't anymore.
If command is executed, it complains "widget-move: No buttons or fields found"
and nothing happens.

I read an info in the gnus-mailing-list about internal changes. Is this the reason?

From: Lars Ingebrigtsen larsi@gnus.org
Subject: Widgets -> Buttons
To: info-gnus-english@gnu.org
Date: Tue, 30 Jul 2019 15:29:26 +0200 (5 days, 3 hours, 47 minutes ago)
Organization: Programmerer Ingebrigtsen
Mail-Followup-To: info-gnus-english@gnu.org
Mail-Copies-To: never

Just a heads up: I've converted the Article buffer in Gnus from using
widgets.el widgets to use button.el buttons. There should be no
user-visible changes, but it's a pretty fundamental change. If you have
code that relies on the Article buffer to widgetisised (that's a word)
there may be compatibility problems, and we should try to mitigate those
(if they exist).

The reason for this change is that the widget code is rather opinionated
about how things should work, and some extensions to button behaviour I
wanted to add would be very awkward. In the button.el paradigm, though,
things are much freer, and I think it should be easy to do these things

(domestic pets only, the antidote for overdose, milk.)
bloggy blog: http://lars.ingebrigtsen.no

info-gnus-english mailing list

Thanks for the report. Looks like we will have to extend ace-link-gnus to test emacs-version.

ok that sounds good.
Any change that this will be fixed with checking the emacs version?
I know a stupid question, but i'm not a developer...
Or is there any other solution? I can't find any. Your package was the best.


Looks like ace-link-help deals with buttons. Does that work for you in the new gnus?

Yes, it's correct. Too bad it does not work. I'll have a look when I have some time.