
About the rebinding of SPC to close the company popup in ora-company.el.

hongyi-zhao opened this issue · 0 comments

Based on your wonderful blog here, I find your very distinctive company configuration, i.e., ora-company.el. But I've some questions about the configuration used in this file, as described below:

  1. In the above configuration, you use the following setting for remapping SPC to close the company popup:

(define-key map " " (lambda ()
(self-insert-command 1)))

But based on my tries, the following configuration for company will achieve the same purpose:

  ( :map company-active-map
    ("SPC" . company-complete-selection))

So, I want to know why you use this more complicated code snippet.

  1. Why do you unbind RET with the following code?

(define-key map (kbd "<return>") nil))

  1. Is it possible to implement a regexp based candidates selection algorithm/feature for the entries shown on the company popup?
