
Питання: додавання аудіо файла

Opened this issue · 2 comments

drets commented

Привіт Олег.

Дуже гарна програма. Дякую за неї!
Мені цікаво, чи можливо зробити підтримку програвання аудіо файла?
(як в анкі)

З повагою,


I'll switch to English, since the issue is useful for other users as well.

Once you have some content to play, it's not difficult to play it actually (Org link + play-sound-file). The issue is that I don't really have the content to play around with. If you can point me to e.g. an Anki set with sound files that I can reuse, I'll see what's possible.

drets commented

Here is, for example, the deck with audio: https://ankiweb.net/shared/info/653061995
(but it seems it's not that easy to extract audio files from it).

I was thinking to download the audio files for studied words from https://forvo.com

Thanks for pointing out to org link and play-sound-file − I'll try to setup it in a while.