#6 a praise replacing the timer
Opened this issue · 2 comments
Reasonab1e commented
- [ ] Нужно сделать чтобы работало и выглядело как на этом скриншоте отмечание сделанных дел
Originally posted by @abobykin in #1 (comment)
Reasonab1e commented
How can i do this? I don't really understand how this thing replaces the timer and rolls it back @abobykin
abobykin commented
How can i do this? I don't really understand how this thing replaces the timer and rolls it back @abobykin
@Reasonab1e That's OK, that's because actually it shouldn't replace anything, just change couple parameters in your code:
- Replace the time text in appropriate HTML block with randomly chosen praise text - "Amazing!" or any other from several others taken from array of strings, try to create it (this array) by yourself (words itself don't matter much now) or I will bring you the one later at the end of this work;
- Set that magic variable for the timer fill equal to 0; and then it would be refreshed;
- Stop your timer from counting, new helpful magic function should do the trick - https://www.w3schools.com/jsref/met_win_clearinterval.asp;