
Maintenance mode

abraham opened this issue · 5 comments

Due to the developer and user hostile state of Twitter, TwitterOAuth is now in maintenance mode. Major improvements are not planned. Only bug and security fixes are likely to be released in the future.

qcybb commented

You interested in converting/creating this for BlueSky? I can send you an invite code.


I don't do much PHP development these days and don't plan on starting any new open source PHP projects.

I've used your library for about 8 years for my twitter bots, but they've all been disabled since a few months. Writing bots was a lot of fun, and I learned a lot. Thank you for your service! o7

Ty for your service. Been using your library for ages. Good luck in your future endeavors.

MaFtuk commented

Thanks for providing this over the years. It's been very useful and I honestly don't blame you for 'shutting shop'... Honestly not sure I can be bothered with developing for Twitter any more either.