
[Bug] Upload to hidden input doesn't work

daniula opened this issue · 2 comments

Current behavior:

Uploading file to a hidden input ends up with below error:

CypressError: Timed out retrying: cy.trigger() failed because this element is not visible:

This element '<input#image-upload>' is not visible because it has CSS property: 'display: none'

Fix this problem, or use {force: true} to disable error checking.


There is no way to pass option { force: true } as an error message suggests. Current workaround is calling .invoke('show') before calling .upload():

    cy.fixture('avatar.jpg').then((fileContent) => {
      cy.get('=image-upload input')
          { fileContent, mimeType: 'image/jpeg' },
          { subjectType: 'input' }

Desired behaviour:

.upload command accepts force option:

    cy.fixture('avatar.jpg').then((fileContent) => {
      cy.get('=image-upload input')
          { fileContent, mimeType: 'image/jpeg' },
          { subjectType: 'input', force: true }


  • cypress: 3.2.0
  • cypress-file-upload: 3.0.4
  • operating system: macOS 10.14.1

Hi @daniula
Thanks for your contribution.

Just released v3.0.5!
Check out the new API and re-open issue in case of any further issues.

@allcontributors[bot] add @daniula for question