
[Bug] - shadowClick is not working for me

YorkCorreaLaRosa opened this issue · 6 comments

First sorry for my bad englis, I am automating a web page but I have some problems with shadow root, so let's see them

Current behavior:

This is input user

This is input pass

and finally the button

Desired behavior:

Steps to reproduce: (app code and test code)

import 'cypress-shadow-dom';
describe('Mi Primera Prueba', function () {

it('Prueba Shadow Dom', function () {
    cy.shadowGet(':nth-child(2) > :nth-child(1) > .ng-untouched').shadowType("B26192");
    cy.shadowGet('.mt-1 > .ng-untouched').shadowType("Interbank2");
    cy.shadowGet('.mt-3 > .col-xs-12').shadowClick();


but this is the result, I don't know why he doesn't click on the button

P lease tell me what I'm doing wrong =( !!! Thank u very much


Cypress verson: 3.8.1
cypress-shadow-dom: 1.3.0

This is something that I've run into as well. I was waiting until someone else had the same issue before submitting a PR. Would you mind adding this code to your "cypress/support/commands.js" file and see if it solves your problem:

Cypress.Commands.overwrite('shadowClick', (originalFn, subject, options) => {
		name: 'shadowClick',


This is something that I've run into as well. I was waiting until someone else had the same issue before submitting a PR. Would you mind adding this code to your "cypress/support/commands.js" file and see if it solves your problem:

Cypress.Commands.overwrite('shadowClick', (originalFn, subject, options) => {
		name: 'shadowClick',


Hi, I did what you told me by putting the code like that


But, the result is the same.. =(


I do not know what else to do? I'm suddenly doing something wrong?
Sorry for my bad english. I hope you can help me.

Can you validate that the code I gave you is working? Can you put a console.log('ShadowClick', subject) in there and make sure that function is being called and that subject has a length. Also, what version of cypress-shadow-dom are you using? npm list cypress-shadow-dom

This is something that I've run into as well. I was waiting until someone else had the same issue before submitting a PR. Would you mind adding this code to your "cypress/support/commands.js" file and see if it solves your problem:

Cypress.Commands.overwrite('shadowClick', (originalFn, subject, options) => {
		name: 'shadowClick',


This is what fixed it for me. Thank you so much @DesignByOnyx

@York6666 I met the same issue as you, do you find any way to work later?
and i also tried the code from @DesignByOnyx part, but i did not see the overwrite shadowClick was called.

Can you validate that the code I gave you is working? Can you put a console.log('ShadowClick', subject) in there and make sure that function is being called and that subject has a length. Also, what version of cypress-shadow-dom are you using? npm list cypress-shadow-dom

@DesignByOnyx my version as below
-- cypress-shadow-dom@1.3.0