
close after load image

jnather opened this issue · 5 comments

App is closing after I click on the imagem in the right bar. Tested it with an image without mask and with an image with previous saved mask.

same problem

Which platform do you use? (windows, linux or mac) with which version ?
The app has been tested with Windows, Linux 16.04 and MacOS 10.13

I have a question that I'm going to tag a bunch of pictures and then when I've tagged the first one and I'm about to tag the second one the software will flash back -_-!! I need your help.

Hey @jnather:
Check if you have accidentally saved an empty ImageMask for that picture.
The masks are saved with the following structure:
Pseudo-Code: image_name = file_name + mask_type_name.
So for instance you had an image with name "bridge.jpg".
The following Masks are saved in the same folder:

  • bridge_mask.png
  • bridge_color_mask.png
  • bridge_watershed_mask.png

If you had, then just delete them an try opening again.
This should work.

I had the same issue, please check the filename of the image, is there any Chinese characters in it?