
Make newly released RPMs and containers available

Closed this issue · 4 comments

New ABRT Analytics has been released X days ago but RPMs are not available in COPR nor is the container in Dockerhub.

Hi, I'm actually looking into this right now and can't figure out how to set up the quay.io build triggers. When trying to run a trigger by hand, I'm getting "Tag does not exist in remote git repo: 2.3.0 You must tag, then git push --follow-tags" from tito, even though the tag is in the master branch.

# Stage 1: Build RPMs

FROM fedora:32
USER root
RUN dnf --assumeyes install git-core make tito
COPY . /src
    dnf --assumeyes builddep --spec faf.spec && \
    useradd --no-create-home builder && \
    chown --recursive --quiet builder. .
USER builder
RUN tito build --rpm

Yeah, the Dockfile assumes that your origin is pointing to abrt/faf and is HTTPS clone.

If any of that isn't true tito can't check the remote repository and outputs that error message.

The workaround:
Change your remote origin to https://github.com/abrt/faf.git.

$ git remote set-url origin https://github.com/abrt/faf.git

@michalfabik What is the status here? It appears that 2.3.1 has been pushed to Docker Hub but latest still points to 2.2.0.

This is fixed now. I've just pushed the the tags 2.4.0, 2.4 and latest for the latest release and improved the automation.