
CookComputing.XmlRpc.XmlRpcInvalidXmlRpcException: Response XML not valid XML-RPC – root element not methodResponse.

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I’ve tried to use GetPosts()

public List GetPosts(int PageNumber)
using (var client = CreateWordPressClient())
var result = client.GetPosts(new PostFilter { PostType = “post”, PostStatus = “publish”, Number = PageNumber }).OrderByDescending(a => a.Id).ToList();
return result;


dgvwPost.DataSource = myWordPressAPI.GetPosts(NumberPostView);

Please help me!

Got the same problem, but not only with GetPosts(), i also got this exception when using GetUsers().
And this exception occurs only when another running thread using HttpWebRequest

I also encountered this problem, but this problem will happen only when the server starts up for the first time using XMLRPC.