
civil_time_test.cc does not include iomanip for setw and setfill

Closed this issue · 1 comments

Describe the issue

civil_time_test.cc uses std::setw() and std::setfill() but the iomanip header file for the functions are not included and cause build errors.

/abseil-cpp/absl/time/civil_time_test.cc: In member function 'virtual void {anonymous}::CivilTime_OutputStream_Test::TestBody()':
error: 'setfill' is not a member of 'std'
error: 'setw' is not a member of 'std'

Steps to reproduce the problem


cmake --build /abseil-cpp/build --target all

What version of Abseil are you using?

2023_0802 (29bf808)

What operating system and version are you using?

Ubuntu 22.04

What compiler and version are you using?

gcc version 11.4.0

What build system are you using?

cmake version 3.22.1

Additional context

No response

Already fixed: 3a41b2c