
When will you provide absl::Duration and absl::Time Cliff wrapper ?

Mizux opened this issue · 1 comments

Mizux commented

All in the title, currently it make difficult for google projects to provide python (SWIG) wrappers based on abseil-cpp types...

Since both project abseil-cpp and abseil-py are part of the federation you should sync types between them... (ed also wait to see Java and C# wrapper in cliff (half joking))

We recommend Open Source projects use pybind11 for Python <-> C++ interoperability. Not CLIF and not SWIG.

While we have internal absl C++<->Python integration (currently CLIF based), that has not been released as part of the open source abseil-py as the open source C++ absl does not yet contain everything that integration requires in order to make sense and we cannot release it so long as it is built upon CLIF. I expect we'll have it using pybind11 before absl C++/Python integration can be released as open source.