Absl Installation on Virtual Environment
Diacod-I opened this issue · 1 comments
Hello, I'm trying to install Abseil on a virtual environment for a personal project. I use requirements.txt
and I want the . But for some reason, the subprocess for setup.py keeps failing and causing an error. The Gzipped Tar file for it seems to retrieve easily and gets cached into the virtual environment but throws an error on setup. As shown from the output screenshot in the 2nd screenshot under 'Screenshots' after trying to install requirements.txt, it shows on the output, however when trying to run my program, it throws a ModuleNotFoundError
for absl
as shown in the 5th screenshot under 'Screenshots'.
Windows Power Shell
Python Version: 3.11.7
pip Version: 23.2.1
- Error Message
- Output from
!pip list
- Requirements.txt
- Reproducible code
from absl import app
from absl import flags
flags.DEFINE_string("data_set",None,"The data set.")
flags.DEFINE_integer("num_sources", 16, "The number of source graphs.")
flags.DEFINE_integer("num_threads", 32, "The number of threads")
flags.DEFINE_string("working_dir", None, "The working directory")
- Error on running code
You need at least absl-py 0.12.0+. Before that, absl-py's setup.py has a bug checking Python versions for 3.10+.