
CFG-Reader Website with string literals

abstractFlo opened this issue · 4 comments

The Current CFG Reader removes the string literals for website in server.cfg

Talk to @Timo972 for fix/help

Can you give some more details?
Does it only occur after setting it?
How is it looking, how should it look like?

public addResourcesToServerCfg(availableResources: GameResourceModel[]): void {

This is the place where we setup new server.cfg

If auto add resources to server.cfg is true, they create a new one and store them on filesystem.

After this, they removed the '' inside the website flag

From website: 'https://atlas.abstractmedia.de', to website: https://atlas.abstractmedia.de, and this is not valid for alt:V. The Server won't start anymore

I guess because of the : inside the string.
I'll fix that in next cfg-reader release

Fixed with cfg-reader version 3.0.0

thanks @Timo972