jmdsl fails to convert a test plan with JDBC request where query is read via a csvdataset config using the variable of csvdataset
george-pc opened this issue · 1 comments
george-pc commented
Test Plan contains JDBC request and the query to execute is a vairable ${QUERY} which is read in the CSV Dataset Config (variable Names).
The test plan reads the csv file which has below format
The jmx plan uses JDBC Sampler and CSV Dataset Config element to iterate through each row and dynamically change the JDBC request as below:
- JDBC Sampler name = ${QUERY_ALIAS}
- Response Assertion=${EXPECTED}
This make the test plan dynamic in nature driven by the csv file.
jmx2dsl fails to convert this jmx and shows unsupported for jdbc sampler that use query as a variable as shown below
threadGroup(1, 1,
jdbcSampler("jdbcConfig", "select count(*) from call_center")
threadGroup(1, 1,
rabelenda commented
Hello, thanks for reporting this!
We have just released a new version that adds support for converting such scenario.