
Saving with nested parameters doesn't work

Closed this issue · 7 comments

I have a serializer that has nested JSON. For example:

{ name: "Name", images: [ { name: 'name1' }, { name: 'name2' }]

The images array is sent to the server as

Content-Disposition: form-data; name="product[images][]"
[object Object]

If .save is called it works fine, breaks with .saveWithAttachment

Which version of ember-attachable are you using?
This should be already fixed (#14).

"ember-attachable": "^1.2.0",

You're right, we're not handling that case for arrays when adding data to the FormData object. I'll fix this later today. Thank you!


@esbanarango were you able to fix this? I forked the repo and started looking at it myself, but didn't find a great way to test.

@esbanarango I almost have a pull ready - quick question about the format.

My pull is currently producing:

Content-Disposition: form-data; name="product[files][0][id]"

Content-Disposition: form-data; name="product[files][0][name]"


Is that correct or should it be product[files][][name] also how should nested arrays look?

Maybe like product[files][][][name] OR product[files][0][0][name]?

Rails doesn't seem to like the [0]