
Having an attachment with a name 'attachment' breaks it.

Closed this issue · 1 comments

I have my model like this:

import DS from 'ember-data';
import Attachable from '../../mixins/attachable';

export default DS.Model.extend(Attachable, {
   defaultText: DS.attr('string'),
   attachmentUrl: DS.attr('string'),
   maxCharacters: DS.attr('number'),
   singleLine: DS.attr('boolean'),

   attachment: 'attachment', // The name of my attachment is also attachment

Having an attachment with a name 'attachment' breaks all the mixin funcionality, I had to open the mixin attachable.js and change that behaviour:

    attachmentKey = this.get('attachment');
    data = Ember.copy(this.serialize());
    Ember.makeArray(attachmentKey).forEach(function(key) {
      data['attachment'] = key;
    }, this);
    formData = new FormData();
    root = this._rootKey();

I'm creating an PR to change the name of attachment to something more difficult to mach, something like "attachableName".

@esbanarango that's cool, mate. do a PR - we'll merge it.