
AttributeError during payment for Pro edition.

mmtechslv opened this issue · 2 comments

Due to the following error, it is impossible to purchase the Pro edition.

AttributeError at /buy
'tuple' object has no attribute 'get'


Sorry about the error - it seems that your card had insufficient funds. Looking in the logs I see

'{\n  "error": {\n    "charge": "ch_3K1b2ACDdHJDyZ2n1vl98pfI",\n    "code": "card_declined",\n    "decline_code": "insufficient_funds",\n    "doc_url": "https://stripe.com/docs/error-codes/card-declined",\n    "message": "Your card has insufficient funds.",\n    "type": "card_error"\n  }\n}\n' message='API response body'

I'll have to look into why the exception is ocurring in this case - looks like something weird in a Django library.

Please try again with a different card or with funds in your card - it should work as purchases goes through all the time.

Thanks for the quick reply! I will check with a different card.