
breaks on type annotation for class attribute

dz0 opened this issue · 3 comments

dz0 commented
class SimpleHttpTask(Task):
    """Very simple/naive"""

    url = None
    method = "GET"
    client: requests.Session = requests.Session()

Pynsource couldn't handle traversing AST in file /Users/jpralgauskis/IdeaProjects/kettle/kettle/task/http.py corresponding to approx. lineno 18 coloffset 4 - source code:

client: requests.Session = requests.Session()

Please report this to https://github.com/abulka/pynsource/issues

Log file location:

Actual exception:

'Attribute' object has no attribute 'id'

Thanks for reporting this - please try running the latest master using Python 3.8 or higher. I need to update the binary releases from Python 3.7 to Python 3.8 sometime.

@unittest.skipIf(sys.version_info.minor < 8, 'Need to upgrade Pynsource to run in Python 3.8 to handle this syntax')
def test_issue_class_type_annotation_85(self):
    """This seems to pass OK under Python 3.9
    Hmm - perhaps this error only happens with lower version of
    Python - will need to check. As it stands, it looks promising 
    that no changes to the Pynsource parser are needed, 
    only a Python version bump. That is, assuming the 
    source code reproduces the problem.
    source_code = dedent("""
        class SimpleHttpTask(Task):
            url = None
            method = "GET"
            client: requests.Session = requests.Session()
    pmodel, debuginfo = parse_source(source_code, 
                                        options={"mode": 3}, 
    self.assertNotIn("error", pmodel.errors)

Further testing is pending.

Latest master branch and 1.78 beta binary release should have fixed this.
Official 1.78 release only a few days away.