
Cursor y value inaccurate on OSX

Closed this issue · 3 comments

I'm on OSX Sierra with a 13" rMBP - In the menus and lobby the click target is lower than the pointer - at the top of the screen it seems accurate, but by the middle of the screen it's off by tens of pixels.

To explain in a different way, if I move the cursor over PLAY in the opening menu, CREDITS is highlighted.

Hey Daniel, thank you for your report. I think this is related to issue #19. Have you tried setting the "width" and "height" in settings.json to your screen's native resolution? Nevertheless, this shouldn't happen in versions > 0.6.0 as the game should detect incorrect resolution settings and override. We'll try to reproduce.

@thedaniel Unfortunately, we haven't been able to reproduce this yet. However, we've changed the way the display resolution is detected in version 0.8.0 (SDL_GetDisplayBounds over SDL_GetDesktopDisplayMode, and SDL_WINDOW_FULLSCREEN_DESKTOP over SDL_WINDOW_FULLSCREEN on OS X).

Could you check whether the issue is fixed in this version? If it's not, could you tell me your screen's native resolution, what you have in your settings.json and what shows up in logs/main.info.log when you start the game?

Fixed in 0.8.0